Without fragmenting Varan and Jaati Britisher could not have ruled India
My Lecture at #हिंदू जागृति सम्मेलन का द्वितीय सत्र is below. Here I had shared my views with documentary evidences as to how Britishers...
Without fragmenting Varan and Jaati Britisher could not have ruled India
Taiwan Unfettered: Time for Hard Decisions
The Patriarch Meets the Pope
Causes of Distorting History
Fundamental Rights and the Constitutional Amendments (1947-1977)--II
Constitution, Judiciary and the Memories of Congress Rule-I*
Fundamental Rights and the Constitutional Amendments (1947-1977)--II
Roots of Sachar Committee, Religion Based Reservations and Lessons from History
Science and Technology in Ancient India
Rig Veda, Harappan Civilization and the Myth of Aryan Invasion